Sun, Jan 5, 10:15am Mass (Epiphany)

The monastery is closed from December 25 - January 3 except for worship services listed above
so that the sisters may have a well-deserved break!

Sister Marilyn Carpenter, OSB

In the daily celebration of life, everywhere and in all things, joyfully sing praise and give thanks to God. I was born in New Almelo, Kansas, population 70. My parents Marie and Alva (affectionately known as Carp) owned and operated a general store and U.S. Post Office for 35 years. I have happy memories from […]

Sister Clare Carr, OSB

“I know my plans for you; they are plans for peace and not disaster, to give you a future with hope” ( Jeremiah 29:11). This scripture has always been a comfort to my spirit. I love to be with people, especially those seeking a deeper understanding of our humanity. I believe in the call we […]