Let Justice and Peace Flow
Season of Creation 2023
A global ecumenical celebration
I am because you are, and you are because I am
From September 1 to October 4, the Christian family unites for this worldwide celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home, Earth. As followers of Christ, we share this call to care for creation. We are co-creatures and part of all that God has made. Our wellbeing is interwoven with the wellbeing of the Earth.
Over the next five weeks, the Sisters of Benet Hill Monastery will offer prayers, reflections, and actions that we can all take to help our common home. Follow us on Facebook or LinkedIn, sign up for e-newsletters, or come here to join in celebrating this Season of Creation.

Join the river of justice and peace
"But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!" (Amos 5:24)
- Click here to watch the Closing Global Ecumenical Online Prayer Service, October 4, 2023 (7:00am MT)
- Worship with the Sisters for the Closing Mass of the Season of Creation, October 4, 2023 (11:30am MT) in our Lady of Peace Chapel
- Click here to read the message from Pope Francis
- Worship with the Benet Hill community for the Five Sundays of the Season of Creation at 10:15 am
- Follow the Sisters on Facebook and Instagram, and sign up for e-newsletters
social media posts, E-Newsletters, videos and Press articles
Learn more here
Social Media Post / October 2, 2023
October recipe
Having a Meatless Monday is good for us and the environment.
E-Newsletter / September 30, 2023
Fifth Sunday of the Season of Creation
Sister Jan Ginzkey, OSB shares a reflection on the scripture readings.
Social Media Post / September 29, 2023
Online resource
Put in your zip code to learn about your local resources to care for the Earth.
Social Media Post / September 28, 2023
Daily prayers
Pray with and for all of creation each day.
Social Media Post / September 27, 2023
Save the birds, insects, and worms
Here's an organic pesticide mix that really works!
Social Media Post / September 26, 2023
Our individual actions are seeds that spread
Our stewardship efforts for Earth today will encourage others to act.
E-Newsletter / September 23, 2023
Fourth Sunday of the Season of Creation
Sister Clare Carr, OSB shares a reflection on the scripture readings.
E-Newsletter / September 22, 2023
Season of Creation Closing, Oct 4
Find out what the Sisters will be doing to celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.
Social Media Post / September 21, 2023
International Day of Peace
Enjoy this lovely video prayer from the Wheaton, IL Franciscan Sisters as you pray for peace today.
Social Media Post / September 20, 2023
International Day of Peace
The Sisters will pray for immigration reform, the dismantling of racist systems, and the victims of human trafficking.
Social Media Post / September 19, 2023
The Letter
May we, like the Holy Father, listen to those most affected by climate change.
Social Media Post / September 17, 2023
Feast of St Hildegard of Bingen
A polymath and mystic who was grounded in God's creation.
E-Newsletter / September 16, 2023
Third Sunday of the Season of Creation
Sister Mary Jane Vigil, OSB shares a reflection on the scripture readings for Sunday, September 17.
Social Media Post / September 15, 2023
Rosh Hashanah
Happy birthday to the universe to our Jewish brothers and sisters.
Social Media Post / September 14, 2023
Take a walk
Listen to creation with the ear of your heart.
Social Media Post / September 13, 2023
The Global Network of Benedictine Spiritual Directors
Sister Mary Colleen Schwarz, OSB nurtures students from around the world who are addressing spiritual and ecological issues in their own countries.
Social Media Post / September 12, 2023
Single-use Plastic
Social Media Post / September 11, 2023
A Prayer of Remembrance
Loving God, may terrorism - in all its forms - disappear from your creation.
E-Newsletter / September 9, 2023
Second Sunday of the Season of Creation
Sister Ana Cloughly, OSB shares a reflection on the scripture readings for Sunday, September 10.
Social Media Post / September 8, 2023
Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Social Media Post / September 7, 2023
Go hug a tree!
The beauty of creation is all around us.
Social Media Post / September 6, 2023
What will we leave to our children?
Joint statement from faith leaders.
Social Media Post / September 4, 2023
September Recipe
Having a Meatless Monday meal is good for us and the environment.
Social Media Post / September 5, 2023
Stewards of God's creation
May we each reaffirm our vocation as stewards of God's handiwork.
E-Newsletter / September 2, 2023
First Sunday of the Season of Creation
Sister Evangeline Salazar, OSB shares a reflection on the scripture readings for Sunday, September 3rd.
YouTube / September 1, 2023
Watch the Global Ecumenical Online Prayer Service
The prayer service was amazing! Sister Therese said that it gave her goosebumps, just thinking about all the people around the world who were praying together.
social media post / August 31, 2023
The kick-off online prayer service is tomorrow
Global Ecumenical Online Prayer Service, September 1. Get the link for the live YouTube broadcast or watch it at your convenience.
Social media post / August 30, 2023
What does the image mean?
Let Justice and Peace Flow is the theme for 2023.
September E-Newsletter / August 30, 2023
How will Benet Hill celebrate the season?
Click on links to webpages, the Season of Creation Prayer downloadable file, and see photos of Hildegard the Hawk!