Seven days to honor the women who care for us all year long

Catholic Sisters Week

The sisters kindly request no gifts for themselves

To honor a religious woman who has been important to your life, we invite you to make a gift in their honor to help our friends at Minga Peru. For 25+ years, Minga Peru has empowered indigenous women and youth living along the Amazon River to create positive change in their communities. Scroll down to learn more about their amazing work and results!

Let’s each do our own small part to say thank you to a Catholic Sister! Together, let’s reach across miles and borders to extend a helping hand to those who live and care for the Amazon rainforest, the great lungs of our Mother Earth.

learn more about minga peru

Minga Peru

We invite you to watch this short video produced by National Geographic.

When women step into their power...

A ripple echoes outward within social circles (to friends, neighbors, regions) and into the future (to children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren)

Pray with the sisters march 8 - 14, 2025

A Prayer for Catholic Sisters Week 2025

Loving, ever present God,

We ask your blessing on all the Catholic Sisters throughout the world who have served your people for so many years. For the hospitals and schools that they built and staffed, we give thanks. For the services they continue to provide to poor and marginalized communities, we give thanks. For their humility, love, and professionalism, we give thanks. For their recognition and support for the dignity of each living being, we give thanks.

During this Catholic Sisters Week, we especially ask you to bless the sisters, oblates, and friends of Benet Hill Monastery as we reach across miles and borders to extend a helping hand to the people who live along the Amazon River and our friends at Minga Peru.

Loving God, be with us as we work together to build your beloved community. Amen.