Live in the pine forest
Sanctuary of Peace
Residential Community

Construction has gone vertical!
This overhead photo from September 17, 2023 shows the six structures in place for Phase 1, situated to the south of the monastery building. Check back for more progress here and at the project updates button below.
An intentional community
Live in the forest near Benet Hill Monastery
Our vision for the Sanctuary of Peace Residential Community is a co-housing intentional community of residents coming together in hope, hospitality and reverence for all creation. The community is currently in the construction phase.
Updates on the construction project are posted by the Project Manager for the General Contractor and are updated every Friday.

Vincent Crowder, Managing Director Sanctuary of Peace Residential Community
What is the Sanctuary of Peace?
A small co-housing village of 26 patio homes, built in pairs, on five carefully selected acres of forestland. This small village will be nestled in the center of an awe-inspiring fifty-acre parcel of the Black Forest adjacent to land that has long been the Monastery’s home.
The Sisters of Benet Hill Monastery's Land Ethic: Care of the Earth
We, the Benedictine Sisters of Benet Hill Monastery, listening with the ear of our heart, hear from Holy Scripture, we are One with all Creation. Grounded in our Judeo-Christian Heritage and rooted in our 1500 year Benedictine Tradition we are entrusted by the Creator with care of the sacred gift of the land. The guiding principles that arise from our contemplative awareness inspire this land ethic which recognizes our moral obligation to respect and protect every particle that vibrates with One Life in the entire universe.

The site plan – striking a balance
This plan carefully considered the right balance between care for and preservation of Mother Earth with conservation of natural resources including water, plants and creatures. This small, intentional community is designed to make efficient use of only five acres of the land. Each home is designed to take from nature only what is needed while contributing back to Mother Earth by reducing its carbon footprint.
The sisters pray that those who choose to buy and make their homes in this community will share values similar to the Benedictine values they hold dear, especially the Land Ethic. They seek to create a community of peace and solitude for those pursuing a deeper relationship within themselves, with their neighbors and with all Creation.
More information about co-housing communities is provided here: